Abel Brainz Digest, Vol. 15 - August 15, 2023

Hey all!!

This week has brought so much to my brain, so let's get to all the Cool Stuff!

Music Stuff!

Hip-Hop turned 50 this past week. It's in my top 3 of favorite genres and as many dope documentaries and movies* I can recommend, it still feels like I know nothing. Ok, not nothing, but my knowledge feels pretty tip-of-the-iceberg when you break it down. 

Regardless, improv is right there, smack dab in the middle of the essence of hip-hop. Rapping*, breakdancing, DJing, Graffitti, (that's four of the five elements!!)  all have some form of improvisation tied into them. 

And, as you may know, Hip-hop was born out of a key improvisation principle: adapting. People got together and used what they had as an escape. Whether it was a lack of musical instruments that led to DJing/sampling, or a lack of a canvas that led to using subway cars to paint, people adapted and used what they had to be creative. 

I recently finished Rick Rubin's book, The Creative Act. Rick Rubin was right there in the Golden Age of Hip-Hop. This is one of many quotes I loved from the book. 

And that when we create, we are not just expressing our unique individuality, but our seamless connection to an infinite oneness

*Freestyle rapping is something I wish I could do well and I would be remiss if I didn't include a mention of Supernatural or Harry Mack

And here's a playlist if you don't like curse words (except for a couple mentions  of "ass" or "damn")


Old Improv Stuff

The facebook memories reminded me of a show I got to do back in LA back in 2016. Click here for some ridiculous fun. We got to improvise these promos and I need to find a reason to bring the Nacho Man back. 

Stuff that lives rent free in my brain

This scene from Boogie Nights is up there as one of my all time favorites. The tension, the zaniness, the performances, the music.... The whole movie is most likely in my top ten and this scene is one of the many reasons why. 

Circling back to Hip-Hop, I also constantly think of Childish Gambino aka Donald Glover's Freestyle on Sway's show and Black Thought's freestyle that is OVER TEN MINUTES LONG!!! (?????)

Okay. That's enough for this week. 

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Click here for past volumez if you missed out on any, or if you just want to revisit a link or two. 

Much love. 


Abel Arias