Abel Brainz Digest, Vol. 16 - August 22, 2023

Hey all!

Welcome to volume 16.

Let's look at some cool stuff!

Music Stuff

I know last week was almost all about Hip-Hop's Birthday. I certainly thought about going to see LL Cool J, The Roots, and DJ Jazzy Jeff and MORE last night, but I teach on Monday nights and arena concerts are kind of my worst nightmare. Anyway, click here for an amazing rundown on some noteworthy samples. 

And if you're a fan of hip-hop but have to keep it PG at home or at work, here's the playlist from last week. 

Teaching Stuff

I'm teaching 3 times a week and it's a great challenge. I get to evolve as a teacher which means the classes evolve and change too. I actually don't necessarily consider myself a "teacher" in the classic sense, but more of what Bruce Lee says here in the first few seconds. 

I'm in no way trying to compare myself to Bruce Lee, but his philosophies do resonate with improv and acting. 

I finished Lynda Barry's book, What It Is and this quote is something to really ponder:

"The thinking part of you is not the doing part of you or the experiencing part of you. The thinking part of you can tell you that a decision has been made but it is not the part of you which decides things. 

This is why thinking is not the same as creating, though the thinking part of us seems completely unaware of this."

I agree with this so much and wonder how I can separate the thinking part, or have I already? Maybe my brain just creates now?

Stuff that lives rent free in my head

This bit from Horrible Bosses had me pressing rewind a few times back when I first watched it. Most mentions of garage doors usually bring it up in my head.

Click here for a pretty accurate dramatization of living with a two year old. What's crazy is that kid is a teenager now. 

That about sums it up for this week. 

You can email me and ask improv and acting questions and I'll answer 'em in the newsletter. Questions will be anonymous, so ask away!

Click here for all the past volumez. 

And remember, this labor of love is handcrafted and distilled every week. Click here if you want to show some love.

Much love,


Abel Arias